
Recess is an elegant gault brick built house dating from 1840 with cast iron railings and gates. Once called 'Beatenberg' it changed name after the First World War when new occupants, the Dean family, had been criticised for having a German relative.
It is listed Grade II as an early 19th century grey gault brick house with two storeys, a three window range, and double-hung sashes without glazing bars. It also has a central 6-panel door with a rectangular fanlight and has a wood doorcase with panelled reveals, fluted pilasters, and a cornice hood. The first floor windows have louvred shutters.
It was an army billet during WWII and later became a house for the homeless used by Witham Urban District Council, but is now a very nice detached home.
Sources: Janet Gyford; Witham & Countryside Society.