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Temple Villas

10-12 Chipping Hill together are known as Temple Villas. Number 10 has been in continuous occupation since built c1850, while number 12 has changed ownership at least 25 times and was derelict for a time when the house was open from cellar to roof after World War II to the 1960s.


Dr. Charles Milne OBE and his wife, after his service in the Royal Medical Corps rising to the rank of Colonel, was the previous owner. Dr. Milne ran a successful practice in Wales. When he retired in 1932 the family came to live in Witham. In 1935, they moved to No 10 where they stayed until the Doctor died in 1951.

One of the daughters was Marjorie Milne who also lived here from time to time during that period. Marjorie, a graduate of Cambridge, became a Christian philosopher and soon gained a reputation as a religious writer, teacher, and missionary. She died in 1977, at the age of 70, having devoted her life to promoting Christian values and unity. A book has been published entitled 'Glastonbury Journey' by Brian Frost, relating the story of her life. This house was once called 'Chimneys'.

This tall pair of semi-detached houses are important to the local landscape and character of the Chipping Hill Conservation Area, as can be seen from the turn of the 20th century postcard view below.

Sources: Tom Henderson; Cyril Taylor; Witham & Countryside Society; Janet Gyford.


Text and Photographs: John Palombi and Cyril Taylor unless otherwise accredited. Illustrations: John Finch and Julie & John Denney. Translations: Original Concept: Joy Vaughan, Witham Town Centre Strategy Group. Narration: John Rhodes

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