
The River Walk
Witham resident Tom Henderson was Assistant County Planner with Essex County Council in the 1960s when Witham expanded under a GLC scheme. He was a part of the County Council planning team working with Witham Urban District Council on a plan for the future of Witham including a proposal for a river walk. When he later became chairman of the Witham & Countryside Society he was able to continue involvement to see the project completed, even after retirement.
This has given the town a possibly unique green ribbon, from the north to the south, providing a green space close to the town centre. In April 2005 Witham Town Council became responsible for the management of the River Walk.
The River Walk is an important feature of the Witham landscape with recreational space to enjoy walking, cycling and relaxing. It is also a haven for wildlife, which benefit from a number of habitats. The river itself is home to a variety of flora and fauna including kingfisher and water vole. Grassland is made up of wildflower meadow and banks of nettles.
There is a public Facebook page 'Wild About Witham' which can be found here.
Tap/Click on a map or heading below to select a part of the River Walk.
Sources: Witham Town Council; Witham & Countryside Society; Ruth and Ron Fosker; Janet Gyford.